Monday, 2 November 2015


On the way to the Halloween party I had to drop off my dad to The Howick Club. Then we went to the halloween party it wasn't far away. I ate lots and lots of food, then I went to the toilet and then we went trick or treating.

I dressed up as a devilish vampire. I had a vampire mask, a cape and a devil fork. I went trick or treating with my sister and mum down Lynley Place. It was a good street because I got lots of lollies.

Then I went down Walworth Ave. Then I turned into Hope Farm Ave and didn't get any lollies. After that we went into Studfall St but STILL we didn't get any lollies! I'm not allowed to go down long driveways so I couldn't go to Mrs Sproull's house. 

At last I went into Walworth Ave and got a few lollies. Then into Tupaki Place and went to Mrs Melville's house. She wasn't there but her dog was barking. Then I went into Archmillen Ave to the corner and found Mrs Melville with a basket of lollies!!! She said "See you on Monday I hope you're not sick!" We walked into Marvon Downs and got a few sweets. 

Then my family got into the car and went home. We opened the gate, went inside the house and put a bowl of lollies on the radio in case trick or treaters came.  Finally Emma and I enjoyed some lollies!! 




Anonymous said...

Hi Blake, wonderful writing, I really like how much detail you have used to describe each step of what happened when we went trick or treating. Great sequence work, keep it up. Love from Mum xx

Anonymous said...

Hi Blake

Hope you enjoyed Halloween
Sounds like a lot of fun

Nana and Pa